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Intermedia appoints Jarmila Yu as director of marketing EMEA

Intermedia has appointed Jarmila Yu as director of marketing EMEA as part of its continued channel push.

Intermedias Jarmila Yu 28.10.2014WEB

It follows the recent appointment of Aidan Simister as director of sales EMEA, who has built a dedicated channel team in the Reading UK office of Intermedia, a leading one-stop shop for cloud IT services and business applications.

Yu brings more than 20 years’ international marketing experience to the role, having driven the agenda in roles at the likes of IBM and Kaspersky Lab.

With the Intermedia Partner Pledge at its core, Intermedia is launching a triple-pronged charge on the channel in line with her appointment: 

Read more: Intermedia appoints Jarmila Yu as director of marketing EMEA

New Sales and Marketing Director at Cofficient

In a change of career from the world of media to that of advanced IT software.  Emma Stewart will make the move and it should prove to be a seamless transition for anexperienced sales and marketing professional.

Emma has joined Cofficient, one of Scotland’s fastest growing providers of advanced IT software to a range of corporate customers throughout the UK, as Sales and Marketing Director.

After gaining a degree in English at the University of Glasgow, Emma held a series of increasingly senior roles in the marketing team at the Glasgow-based publishers the Carnyx Group, culminating with her appointment to Sales Director in 2007.

Cofficient Emma Stewart photoWEB

Read more: New Sales and Marketing Director at Cofficient

channel partner serving the mid-market

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This event has been carefully designed to give you the best value for your time as it delivers both learning and networking opportunities. Channel partners can request an invitation resellers from channel community.

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Happy Birthday WWW 1991

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday 20th birthday dear  WWW

Celebrating the thought process of Tim Berners-Lee.   Is it already 20 years since Tim Berners-Lee authored "Information Management: A proposal" and set the technology world on fire? 

In 1989, PCs were still a novelty for many businessmen, and at that point, how many people outside of universities or scientific circles had ever heard of something called the Internet?

What Tim gave birth to was the World Wide Web, and thus, eventually, Facebook, eBay, Google, iTunes, YouTube,, blogs....

How different things are today. Now Facebook has inspired an Oscar nominated film, creating 3 or more billionaires.  Google is used millions of times a day!

Back in 1989, Berners-Lee was a software consultant working at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research situated just outside of Geneva, Switzerland. 

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On March 13 of that year (1989), he submitted a plan to management on how to better monitor the flow of research at the labs. People were coming and going at such a clip that an increasingly frustrated Berners-Lee complained that CERN was losing track of valuable project information because of the rapid turnover of personnel. It did not help matters that the place was chock-a-block with incompatible computers people brought with them to the office.

Read more: Happy Birthday WWW 1991

Digby Jones as New Chairman SHP

IT and Communications Asset recovery

Some of my previously held roles include Director-General of the Confederation of British Industry (2000-2006) and Minister of State for UK Trade and Investment (2007-2008), I most recently appeared as the presenter in the BBC 2 series, The New Trouble shooter, helping British companies to rise to the global business challenge and offering them the benefit of my own knowledge and experience.

Lord Digby Jones WEB 014-2

Read more: Digby Jones as New Chairman SHP