European Reseller

Helping bring new products to market

Friday, Feb 07th

Last updateFri, 16 Jun 2023 8am

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Hand Held

Website Visitors 2014

  1. WebSite 2014
  2.   53,927 visitors in April and an average of 49,589 visitors/ month in 2014

2.3 Million pages  and 2.9 Million hits in 2014

Prices start at £ 350 & £ 500 for a Zone banner  & £850 for Run Of Site banner

Monthly E -Newsletter        16,528 Subscribed newsletters in May

Prices start at £ 385 for a banner and text   & £ 640  for the lead position


Digital Magazine   12 editions per year 15,430 subscribers 

A full page @ a cost of  £1,500  per month ( minimum 3 months)


  1. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter 17,000 copies distributed from our stand at exhibitions

A full page @ a cost of £ 750  top-up running with 3 digital copies

Box in IPO

Aaron Levie CEO of  Box, needs to convince investors his company is offering a multiple revenue as opposed to online storage. This is a flooded market place, with prices in a race to the bottom, many offering a free service to consumers and increasing competition from established technology giants like Apple, Google and Microsoft. Box has developed features to let workers collaborate and has begun tailoring the service to professionals in different industries, such as media and medicine.

The opportunity in the channel seems to have been ignored with resellers and hosting companies been passed over. Lets hope the burn rate can stretch.bOX IN cloud 400

Read more: Box in IPO

How can European Reseller Website, help my business.

This offers a great opportunity for OEM,s, Vendors & importers to reach European entrepreneurs and businesses, who subscribe across Europe and the Middle East, either through the web (32,000 unique visitors per month) and at the many exhibitions where we recruit channel partners and distribute European Reseller magazine.

Read more: How can European Reseller Website, help my business.

Sample show Subscription form

Subscription Form we use at exhibtions

If you need a very very targeted database, we can provide a database that has been qualified by us face to face with information such as.  

Name: …  Job Function:  …Company: ... Name: ……Address: … Town ……  Postcode: …Country
Tel: …. Fax: … Email: … Web: …
Nature of Business ,VAD's, Distributor, Reseller, VAR ,System Integrators, MSP, ISP, Telco, Data centre, Cloud computing,.

Read more: Sample show Subscription form

increase revenue as a Motorola reseller

Motorola wireless broadband solutions are currently hard at work supplying efficient, cost-effective wireless connectivity and access in more than 4,000 networks in120 countries.

Read more: increase revenue as a Motorola reseller